Women, foster care, and abortion

Yikes. Those are some touchy topics. Why would I even want to go there? To be honest, I don't. But I've been hearing and reading some interesting comments lately that I can't stop thinking about...so here we are.

There are people out there right now making this correlation between foster care and abortion. They say the foster care system is a raging dumpster fire (they're not wrong) and since a lot of unwanted children are going to end up there, they're better off being aborted. They believe it's better not to be born at all than to be thrown into foster care, potentially abused, tossed around by the system, become screwed up, and probably start the whole cycle over again. And where will all those self-righteous pro-lifers be then?

I can see where they're coming from. Even King Solomon in the Bible, when he was overwhelmed by the tragedy he saw in the world, said that better than the living or the dead is "the one who has never been born, who has not seen the evil that is done under the sun." (Ecclesiastes 4:3) Better to be killed in the womb than face a life of tragedy and disaster, right?


Well, let's think this through. If it was better to be aborted than risk living a crummy life, then none of us would be here. I've had tragedy and hardship in my life. You have too. And there's more to come. But I don't wish my mother had aborted me.

Sure, it's easy for me to say. My parents had jobs and were married and wanted me and loved me. What about the unborn babies whose parents are drug addicts? Or whose parents just don't want them? What about the mothers whose lives will be made more difficult by having a baby? Isn't allowing those babies to be born just heaping more pain onto an already pain-saturated world?

Yes, actually. It's a messed up, broken world, and every child born into it will add to the brokenness. That is one hundred percent true. But every child also brings beauty and life to the world. And each one of us whose mothers didn't abort us, despite the hardships we would face, has something to offer. Later in Ecclesiastes 4 (verses 9-10), King Solomon says, "Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up."

That is a pity, indeed. And that is why every person who believes in giving babies a chance at life should be involved in helping others up. They should be advocates. Foster parents. Adoptive parents. Generous donors. Volunteers. Informed voters. Friends. Concerned neighbors. Lovers of all people. People of prayer. People who care. If you believe life is worth living, you should act like it. If you believe there's no such thing as an unwanted child, what are you doing about it?

Debates about foster care and abortion and women's rights and blah blah blah will continue for as long as there are people in the world. And people only have the luxury of debating such things because their mothers chose life, by the way. But when I hear people say a child is better off dead than ending up in foster care, all I can think of is this: The world will not become a better place by aborting more babies. But the babies who are born can make the world a better place.


  1. Amen! My husband was adopted as an infant. I am so, so grateful his mother chose life.

    1. I didn't know that, Emily! Thank you for sharing.

  2. This is such a beautiful testament to life and hope, Katie. Love it!

  3. Amen, Katie! I have a grown son and daughter who have become the fantastic adults they are because their mothers loved them enough to give them life and then loved them still more and made the sacrifice of giving them up for adoption to give them a better chance at a "good life" than they could ever have provided themselves.

    The people who think babies are better off being dismembered and tossed in the trash than risking an uncertain future, like every human faces, should spend some time with people like my kids, who have so much to offer the world and who thank God their own mothers were pro-life!

    1. I'm sure glad your son and daughter are here, Carol! They are out there making the world a better place.

  4. This is so beautiful! And true. It's so sad how some can say it's better to kill than let live. I love your closing lines.


    1. I understand why people despair sometimes. Like I said in my post, even King Solomon wondered if life was worth living at one point. But that's why we must all be involved in caring for one another. Thanks for commenting, Keturah!

  5. It's a nice sentiment and I applaud the call for people who are pro-life to step up their efforts to support moms and children in crisis to prevent abortions - or to prevent kids from entering foster care. But the reality is the political efforts are focused more on denying women the choice at all... and on denying women access to education and birth control and limiting government support for both women and children. If you want to prevent abortions, shouldn't the effort be on preventing unwanted pregnancies in the first place?

    1. I appreciate your comment. You're right that there are more levels and layers to this issue than I could address in one post. Prevention should absolutely be part of the equation.

  6. I was unplanned. My parents were trying to prevent a pregnancy. Oh, how glad I am that they never even considered an abortion. It was unthinkable back then. And I think I was worth being born. And God does, too! Good article.

  7. This: "Debates about foster care and abortion and women's rights and blah blah blah will continue for as long as there are people in the world. And people only have the luxury of debating such things because their mothers chose life, by the way." Exactly. Your entire last paragraph is so poignant, and I appreciate the way you speak truth so clearly. Shared.

  8. THIS! What a powerful post! Thank you, Katie!

  9. I LOVE this, Katie. So powerful. I really appreciate the depth and heart to each of your posts.

    1. Thank you so much, Savanna, thank you for reading. We got a new placement recently and are trying to adjust, but I hope to connect with you soon!
